A simple layout that features a combination of 2 Manzanita Twig Woods and 2 Flat Bottom Seiryu Stone that will allow hobbyists more space for aquatic plant choice and creativity. Our recommended plants would be Christmas Moss attached randomly throughout the wood pieces and Anubias or Bucephalandra species at the stone base. We would also recommend a background plant such as Java Fern or Bolbitis Mini to accent the background creating a wild dark green forest look. This is a perfect scape for a Betta Fish home.
Modeled after a 2 gallon nano cube tank.
Save $30 by selecting the QUICK SCAPE TANK package option!Save $50 by selecting the QUICK SCAPE FULL AQUARIUM KIT package option! Package Includes:
UNS Rimless Cube Glass Aquarium Tank with black leveling mat
Azoo Mignon Filter
UP Aqua PRO LED Light
4lb bag of UP Aqua substrate
Quick Scape 012 stones and wood
Glass Aqua Quick Scapes are what you see is what you get planted tank rock and wood hardscape layouts that are made ready for a variety of standard aquarium sizes.